Assurance Service
Assurance service is a guarantee service for disclosing environmental performance in Sustainability Reports, Annual Reports, and Responsible Investment.
PT Surveyor Carbon Consulting Indonesia (SCCI) provides independent assurance services for sustainability reports and bidding documents (Bond/Loan).
SCCI has the competence to provide Assurance and Second-Party Opinion (SPO). We are licensed by AccountAbility1000 (AA1000) as a licensed assurance provider 000-737.
Assurance services include:
1. Assurance for Sustainability Reports
In POJK No.51 of 2017, Issuers are required to carry out Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) and are required to prepare a Sustainability Report and need to be verified by an independent assurance service provider as outlined in an assurance statement.
Assurance is an activity of assistance and evaluation of the sustainability framework disclosed by the organization in the sustainability report and assessment of compliance with the principles of AccountAbility (AA1000) to provide assurance and accountability to internal and external stakeholders.
2. Second-Party Opinion (SPO) for Green Loan, Social Loan, Sustainability Linked-Loan, Green Bond, Social Bond, and Sustainability Bond
In POJK No. 18 of 2023, Issuers can issue Green Loan, Social Loan, Sustainability Linked-Loan, Green Bond, Social Bond, and Sustainability Bond as an alternative to thematic funding. The requirements for registration of public bidding documents include providing review results from External Review Providers and proof of competence or expertise of External Review Providers.
Second-Party-Opinion (SPO) is a statement from an environmental expert on the sustainability framework prepared by the issuer for the issuance of debt securities/sukuk (EBUS).
Details in
(Attached Download Link Brochure Assurance Service).
(Attached Download Link Brochure Second-Party Opinion Service).
For further information, please contact :
Intan Rahmalia at Phone No. (0878-7055-4061).